After finishing to clear all of Otto Matic's files and traces thoroughly on the Mac, you will just complete the whole removal job on your computer.The same, continue to open Preferences folder in the Library, and delete related preferences of the app or its publisher.Back to the Library window, and click to open Caches this time, delete those caches files of Otto Matic.Double click to open Application Support folder in the Library, have a check and delete Otto Matic's folder inside.Type "~/library/" in the box, and hit the Return key to access to the user's library folder.Click on Go on the head menu, and click Go to folder.
Otto matic mac mac#
Otto matic mac install#
When install Otto Matic on the Mac, it will also bring many of its supported files to the Mac, including application support files, preferences, caches etc. Hard to uninstall Otto Matic from Mac? Don't know where the file is or where to start the removal? This post is all about the how-to guides to help you remove this program from Mac.
Otto matic mac how to#
Once The Giant Brain has been defeated and peace restored to the galaxy, you will return to Earth with your human cargo where they will be freed.Uninstall Otto Matic Guides – How to Remove Otto Matic for Mac To escape the planet you must also collect rocket fuel. When you save humans, they are teleported to your rocket ship. While on each planet you must save as many humans as you can, but be careful because the Brain Aliens will try to abduct the humans before you can save them. Your rocket ship will take you to each of the planets, starting with Earth. Your mission will take you to strange and fantastic alien worlds which are often treacherous and will require Otto to perform amazing feats. You must rescue as many humans as you can while defeating the Brain Aliens and all of their evil followers. You are Otto Matic, the robot who is given the job of saving Earth from the clutches of The Giant Brain from Planet X. Luckily for the human race there exist the Otto Matics, robots who police the galaxy in name of all that is good and decent. These saucers are under the control of the evil Brain Aliens who are abducting helpless human beings and taking them away to strange alien worlds to become slaves of The Giant Brain. The year is 1957 and a fleet of flying saucers from Planet X have come to Earth. HAS AN OPTION TO PLAY IN STEREO 3D WITH 3D GLASSES!!!.
Otto matic mac mac os#
Compatible with Mac OS 10.14 or earlier, but not 10.15 which no longer supports 32-bit applications.