The complexity in Founders of Gloomhaven doesn’t come from the actual gameplay structure (which is very simple) but from the minutiae such as what constitutes a legal placement and whether or not a building is receive a supply.

The first time I played, setup took just about thirty minutes and aside from a few misinterpretations, the first few turns were relatively painless. To cut a long story short, Founders of Gloomhaven has a box that is so crammed with stuff, it very barely fits in the box.Ī special mention should be made for the rulebook, which is only about twenty pages long, but does an excellent job of articulating a very complicated game in a relatively succinct way.
#Gloomhaven solo plus#
There are also three meeples and a few personal buildings per player, plus a load of coins. Players also receive their own player board and a deck of action cards, as well as voting tokens and a ton of claim and delivery tokens in their own colour. There are also prestige building cards and Advisor cards, both of which occupy their own specific slots on a smaller board that sits alongside the main one. These buildings are all represented by tiles of various shapes and sizes, the majority of which feature detailed artwork depicting whatever the tile in question is intended to deliver. As soon as the myriad of different resource buildings, houses, roads, advanced buildings and prestige buildings are placed on the board Founders of Gloomhaven takes on a completely different look. If the board does appear a little dull at first, then it’s a fleeting problem. Thankfully, this is a form over function decision to ensure that the different terrain types are clearly marked, which in turn leads to more fluid gameplay. The board itself is double sided to allow for either thematically accurate or symmetrical play on each side respectively, but the colour scheme appears a little drab at first. Speaking more broadly, Founders of Gloomhaven includes an absolute ton of components to support play at all counts. Where possible I’ll try to describe the game fairly generally to cover all modes, but I’ll also say now that I have played Founders of Gloomhaven three or four times solo and it’s fast and fun, albeit perhaps a bit easy. Most of the pictures you’ll see in this review were taken whilst playing solo, where the most fundamental change is that the player can build all resources or else the game wouldn’t work. There are slight changes to the basic setup in either two player mode (where each player control three resources and a neutral player controls the remainder) and in solo mode. The reason that I’m mentioning this at length is because resource control is such a fundamental principle in Founders of Gloomhaven that it bears specific mention. In addition to the base resource associated with each race, the players also draft a second resource and add a specifically sized card to their player mat. The humans, for example, control population, whilst the Vermlings control wood.

When setting up Founders of Gloomhaven, the players have a choice of nine different races, each of which controls one of the various resources that will be needed to build the city. Whilst Founders of Gloomhaven is set in Isaac Childres’ Gloomhaven world, it’s a very different kind of game to the original Gloomhaven, which is well regarded as one of the best dungeon crawlers out there, thanks to a whole raft of reasons that might one day make for a detailed review in their own right. Founders of Gloomhaven is a city building game in which the players act as the founding settlers of the titular city of Gloomhaven.